Xinyu Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development organized construction sites to carry out environmental sanitation "sweeping"

Release time:2019-07-27Number of visitors:2880

Recently, no matter which construction site in Xinyu City, the author can see that some construction sites arrange personnel to wash the main construction roads to ensure the moisture and cleanness inside and outside the main construction roads and gates; some construction sites arrange personnel to cover the newly generated earthwork and newly unloaded sand and stones; and; In some construction sites, personnel are arranged to clean up the waste construction wastes such as square materials, formwork and steel bars, as well as domestic wastes such as fast food boxes, mineral water bottles and plastic bags in the sites, grass and floors, etc.; some construction sites are in the process of demolishing and cleaning the thatched sheds erected randomly. This is a profound change to the construction site since the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development comprehensively and thoroughly carried out the environmental sanitation "sweeping" activity.

In order to carry out the "clean-up" activities of environmental sanitation in construction sites, the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development has successively held mobilization meetings and two meetings for re mobilization and re deployment. According to the actual situation, the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development has held mobilization meetings and two meetings for re mobilization and re deployment. According to the actual situation, the city's "blue sky action", creating a national civilized city, creating a national health city and promoting green and civilized construction, and the city's "clean-up, blockage, and chaos control, purification and orderly beautification, and welcoming the National Day" action, The main contents of the environmental sanitation "clean-up" of construction sites in our city include: 100% coverage of earthwork, sand and gravel, construction waste (which can not be cleaned in time); comprehensive cleaning of construction waste and household garbage (mineral water bottles, lunch boxes, plastic bags, etc.) in all floors, sites, grass, construction elevator cages, etc; Clean the main roads and gates inside and outside, spray water to keep moisture; harden the construction access roads; clean the front and back rooms and indoor sanitation of office places and meeting rooms; timely replace the safety net soiled by flushing pump; stack building materials in order; timely update the damaged publicity banners and public service advertisements.

In order to ensure the implementation of environmental sanitation "sweeping" activities in construction sites in our city, the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development dispatched seven working groups every day to go deep into the construction site to supervise and guide the construction sites to carry out the "sweeping" activities of environmental sanitation; to listen to the working group's situation reports for many times, coordinate and solve the difficult problems encountered by the working group; Through the "safe building group" repeatedly publicized the significance, content and goal of carrying out environmental sanitation "sweeping" activities. According to the requirements, construction sites upload photos and videos of carrying out environmental sanitation "sweeping" activities every day, creating a good and strong atmosphere for activities, and promoting the rapid and efficient development of environmental sanitation "sweeping" activities in construction sites of our city. According to incomplete statistics, up to now, our city's construction sites have covered more than 100000 square meters of earth and sand and gravel, cleaned up more than 900000 square meters of construction waste and domestic waste in the construction site, replaced the safety net polluted by flushing pump more than 10000 square meters, and maintained moisture and cleaned construction roads more than 70000 square meters every day.

(source: Xinyu Municipal People's Government Network)