The group held a summary meeting of excellent team execution evaluation activities

Release time:2020-08-03Number of visitors:3778

It is fast to walk alone, but all can go further. On the morning of August 3, Jiangxi Zhongqi Holding Group Co., Ltd. held a summary meeting of excellent team execution evaluation activities, which summarized the excellent enterprise selection activities of Nanchang housing construction company participated by the company, and commended the excellent team. Nie Shunjin, chairman of the board of directors, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Xiong Xiaoming, general manager, presided over the meeting. More than 200 people attended the meeting, including all employees of the group headquarters building and representatives of some subsidiaries.D18A7343.JPG


The meeting was held at 8:00 a.m. after the company's regular morning meeting, general manager Xiong Xiaoming first read out the award notice. Then, chairman Nie presented awards and group photos to the first representatives of China Construction Company, the second self operated company, the third operating company and the financial department. The whole audience applauded warmly.


After that, Nie Dong delivered an important speech, congratulating the four winning departments, and expressing heartfelt thanks to all colleagues and their relatives and friends who have worked hard for the group company! And from the important significance of participating in the activity and the main reasons for success, the paper puts forward three benefits, that is, the Department Leaders' high attention and taking the lead in setting an example, the strong implementation and unremitting efforts of all staff, and the mobilization and concerted efforts of the whole staff.


Chairman Nie finally stressed: Although the voting and selection activity has been finished, the team spirit of unity and fighting together can not be stopped, the strong executive power of grasping iron marks and stepping stones can not be stopped, and the perseverance and perseverance of making contributions for a long time can not be stopped. I hope everyone can continue to carry forward the spirit of unity and struggle inspired by this activity, think from one place and exert one strength , pay close attention to the implementation of the work, devote to their own work with fuller enthusiasm, more lofty struggle and more solid style, and contribute to the sound and rapid development of the company!


It is reported that the selection activity of excellent enterprise network of Nanchang housing construction company lasted for more than two months. All staff of the company worked together and fully mobilized various social forces such as relatives and friends to actively participate in the activity. In the end, it achieved good results in the sixth place, and the brand awareness and social influence of the group were further expanded.