On improving the quality assurance system and improving the quality of construction projects

Release time:2020-08-21Number of visitors:3810

On improving the quality assurance system

Guiding opinions on improving the quality of construction projects

Ministry of housing and urban rural development

The quality of construction project is related to the safety of people's life and property, the future and inheritance of the city, and the development level of new urbanization. In recent years, China has continuously strengthened the quality management of construction projects, and the overall quality level has been steadily improved. However, due to the large amount of construction projects, various quality problems still occur from time to time. In order to solve the outstanding problems faced by the quality management of construction projects, further improve the quality assurance system, and constantly improve the quality of construction projects, the following opinions are put forward.

1、 General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we carried out the spirit of the nineteen and second nineteen plenary sessions of the party's Central Committee and China's central city and the central city working conference in accordance with the party's Central Committee and State Council's decision making plan. We should adhere to the principle of "taking people as the center" and firmly establish the new development concept. Taking the quantity problem as the breakthrough point, efforts should be made to remove the obstacles of system and mechanism, gradually improve the quality assurance system, continuously improve the coincidence rate of project quality spot check and the satisfaction of the masses, and further improve the overall quality level of construction projects.

2、 Strengthening the responsibilities of all parties

(1) Highlight the primary responsibility of the construction unit. The construction unit shall strengthen the quality management of the whole process of the project construction, strictly perform the legal procedures and quality responsibilities, and shall not contract out projects in violation of laws and regulations. The construction unit should earnestly implement the project legal person responsibility system to ensure reasonable construction period and cost. The project quality information publicity system should be established, and the construction unit should actively disclose the project completion acceptance information and accept social supervision. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the development and Reform Commission)

(2) Implement the main responsibility of the construction unit. The construction unit should improve the quality management system, establish the post responsibility system, set up the quality management organization, equip the full-time quality director, and strengthen the overall quality management. Implement the project quality and safety manual system, promote the standardization of project quality management, and implement the quality management requirements to each project and employee. Establish quality responsibility identification system, carry out card raising acceptance for key processes and key parts of concealed works, strengthen the management of construction records and acceptance data, and realize the traceability of quality responsibility. The construction unit shall be responsible for the construction quality of the construction project, and shall not subcontract or illegally subcontract the project. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development)

(3) Clear the main responsibility of housing use safety. The owner of the house should bear the main responsibility of the safe use of the house. The owner and user of the house should use and maintain the house correctly, and it is strictly forbidden to change the main body and load-bearing structure of the house without authorization. Strengthen the safety management of housing use. The owner of the house and its entrusted management and service units should regularly inspect the safety of the house, effectively perform the maintenance obligations of the house, and effectively ensure the safety of the use of the house. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development)

(4) Fulfill the government's responsibility of project quality supervision. We should strengthen the government's quality supervision over the whole process of engineering construction, encourage the government to purchase services, entrust qualified social forces to carry out project quality supervision, inspection and sampling test, explore the supervision mode of engineering supervision enterprises, and improve the supervision system of provinces, cities and counties. We should improve the quality supervision and inspection system combining routine inspection with spot checks and sampling tests, and implement the "double random, open inspection" mode and the "Internet plus regulation" mode to implement the regulatory responsibilities. The construction of project quality supervision team should be strengthened, and the funds required by supervision organizations to perform supervision functions shall be fully guaranteed by the financial budget of the same level. Strengthen the safety supervision of engineering design, strengthen the review of structural calculation sheet, and improve the overall safety and fire safety level of the design structure. (Ministry of housing and urban rural development, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance and emergency department)

3、 Improve the management system

(1) Reform the organization mode of engineering construction. Carry out the general contract of the project, and implement the responsibilities of the general contractor in the aspects of project quality and safety, progress control, cost management, etc. Improve the professional subcontracting system, and vigorously develop professional contracting enterprises. Actively develop the whole process of engineering consulting and professional services, innovate the engineering supervision system, and strictly implement the quality responsibility of professional qualification personnel in engineering consulting (investment), survey and design, supervision, cost and other fields. In the civil construction project, the architect responsibility system should be promoted. According to the contract agreement of both parties, the architect should be given the right to sign and approve the project on behalf of the construction unit, and the responsibility of the architect should be defined. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the development and Reform Commission)

(2) Improve the bidding system. Improve the decision-making mechanism of the bid inviting party, further implement the autonomy of the bid inviting party, and explore and establish a system and mechanism that can better meet the needs of the project. Simplify the bidding procedures, promote electronic bidding and remote bid evaluation, and strictly manage the evaluation experts. Strengthen the responsibility traceability of the main body of the bidding, and expand the standardized application of credit information in the bidding process. We will severely crack down on illegal behaviors such as bidding surround, bid collusion and false bidding, and strengthen the supervision of contract performance after bidding. (in charge of the development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the General Administration of market supervision)

(3) Implement project guarantee and insurance. The bank guarantee system shall be implemented, and the project guarantee company guarantee and project guarantee insurance shall be carried out in areas where conditions permit. If the bid winner is required to provide a performance guarantee, the bid inviting party shall at the same time provide the bid winner with a guarantee for project payment. For the exploration of winning the bid with the lowest price, the performance guarantee with high insurance amount shall be implemented. We will organize pilot projects of project quality insurance and accelerate the development of project quality insurance. (Ministry of housing and urban rural development, national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, people's Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission)

(4) Strengthen the management of engineering design and construction. Implement the architectural policy of "applicability, economy, green and beauty", and guide the formulation of architectural design guidelines in line with the regional characteristics of the city. The system of "pre planning and post evaluation" should be established to improve the review and demonstration mechanism of architectural design scheme and improve the decision-making level of architectural design scheme. Strengthen the management of residential design, scientific design of single residential units, enhance the safety, practicability, livability, and improve the environmental quality of residential areas. Government investment projects are strictly prohibited from exceeding the standard. We will strictly control the construction of super high-rise buildings, strictly implement the approval system for seismic fortification of ultra-high-rise buildings, and strengthen the management of seismic, fire-fighting and energy-saving of ultra-high-rise buildings. We should create construction quality demonstration projects, increase the commendation of excellent enterprises, projects and individuals, increase the policy support for excellent enterprises in the aspects of bidding and finance, and encourage the quality of enterprises to be included in the evaluation factors of bidding and tendering. (Ministry of housing and urban rural development, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of human resources and social security, emergency department and people's Bank of China)

(5) Promote green construction. Improve the green building materials product standards and certification evaluation system, further improve the energy-saving standards of building products, and establish the product release system. We should vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, promote green construction, and reduce the adverse impact of the construction process on the environment through advanced technology and scientific management. Establish and improve the green building standard system, and improve the green building evaluation and identification system. (Ministry of housing and urban rural development, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of industry and information technology, and General Administration of market supervision)

(6) Support the reasonable reservation and utilization of existing buildings. We will promote the protection and renewal of old urban areas and old industrial areas, and guide the renovation design of existing buildings. Cultural relics and buildings shall be protected and rationally utilized according to law. The management system of building demolition shall be established, and public buildings conforming to planning standards and within reasonable service life shall not be demolished at will. We will carry out pilot demonstration of the renovation and utilization of public buildings and industrial buildings. Formulate relevant supporting policies for fire protection and energy conservation to support the preservation and renewal of existing buildings. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the emergency department and the Bureau of cultural relics)

4、 Improve the support system

(1) Improve the standard system of engineering construction. It is necessary to formulate the full-text compulsory engineering construction specifications systematically, simplify and integrate the government recommended standards, cultivate and develop the standards of organizations and enterprises, and accelerate the adaptation to international standards and common rules. Organize and carry out the comparison of domestic and foreign standards in key fields to improve the standard level. Strengthen international exchange and cooperation of engineering construction standards, and promote the transformation and application of a number of Chinese standards to international standards. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the General Administration of market supervision and the Ministry of Commerce)

(2) Strengthen the quality management of building materials. Establish and improve the response processing, information sharing and department collaborative processing mechanism of defective building materials products, implement the lifelong responsibility of building materials production units and suppliers, and standardize the building materials market order. Strengthen the quality management of production, transportation and use of ready mixed concrete. Enterprises are encouraged to establish a quality control system for the whole process of production, construction and installation of prefabricated building parts and components, and implement a factory supervision system for prefabricated building parts and components. Establish the quality traceability mechanism of building materials from production to use, and publicize the relevant information to the society. (in charge of the General Administration of market supervision, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, and the Ministry of industry and information technology)

(3) Enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation. We will increase investment in technological innovation and R & D in the construction industry, promote the integration of production, teaching, research and application, and break through the development and application of key common technologies in key fields. We will increase the research and development of major equipment and digital and intelligent engineering construction equipment, and comprehensively improve the technical level of engineering equipment. Promote the integrated application of building information model (BIM), big data, mobile Internet, cloud computing, Internet of things, artificial intelligence and other technologies in the whole process of design, construction, operation and maintenance, promote the delivery and application of digital achievements in engineering construction, and improve the informatization level of the construction industry. (Ministry of science and technology, Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of housing and urban rural development)

(4) Strengthen the management of employees. We should strengthen vocational education for construction workers, vigorously carry out vocational skills training for construction workers, and encourage the establishment of vocational training and training bases. We should strengthen the construction of vocational skill appraisal sites and improve the multiple evaluation systems such as skill appraisal and vocational skill grade identification. We will promote the real name management of construction workers, accelerate the construction of national construction workers management service information platform, and promote enterprises to use skilled workers who meet the post requirements. We should establish and improve the social insurance payment methods suitable for the construction industry, vigorously promote the construction units to participate in industrial injury insurance, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of construction workers. (Ministry of housing and urban rural development, Ministry of human resources and social security, Ministry of Finance)

5、 Strengthen supervision and management

(1) Promote the construction of credit information platform. We should improve the public service platform of national construction market supervision, strengthen information collection, improve the record system of illegal behaviors, timely publicize the administrative license, administrative punishment, and inspection results of relevant market entities, and realize data sharing and exchange with national enterprise credit information publicity system and national credit information sharing platform. The blacklist system of construction market entities should be established, and the illegal market entities should be punished jointly. The records of illegal construction quality should be regarded as an important content of enterprise credit evaluation. (Ministry of housing and urban rural development, development and Reform Commission, people's Bank of China and General Administration of market supervision)

(2) Strict supervision and law enforcement. We will increase the efforts to investigate the quality responsibility of construction projects, strengthen the implementation of lifelong responsibility for project quality, seriously investigate and expose the units and individuals who violate relevant regulations, cause engineering quality accidents and serious quality problems according to law, and increase punishment in terms of qualification and employment restrictions. We will strengthen the management of individual practice qualification, and punish the registered practitioners who have illegal behaviors such as certificate affiliation, temporary suspension, revocation of qualification certificate and lifelong prohibition of practice according to law. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development)

(3) Strengthen social supervision. The relevant industry associations should improve the industry restraint and punishment mechanism and strengthen the industry self-discipline. Establish the publicity system of the subject and person in charge of the construction project. Enterprises must disclose the quality information of construction projects and accept social supervision. To explore the establishment of social supervision mechanism for construction quality, support the public to participate in supervision and reasonably express quality demands. All localities should improve the coordination and handling mechanism of construction engineering quality complaints and disputes, clarify the handling subject, acceptance scope, processing process and settlement time limit of engineering quality complaints, and regularly inform the society of the handling situation of construction engineering quality complaints. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the development and Reform Commission and the General Administration of market supervision)

(4) Strengthen supervision and guidance. Establish and improve the construction project quality management and quality improvement evaluation index system, scientifically evaluate the implementation of engineering quality laws and regulations and mandatory standards, the implementation of quality responsibility system, the construction of quality assurance system, the construction of quality supervision team, the development of construction quality, and the public satisfaction, etc., and supervise and guide the implementation of various work measures of construction engineering quality management Give. (in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development)

6、 Pay attention to organization and Implementation

All regions and relevant departments should attach great importance to improving the quality assurance system, improving the quality of construction projects, improving the working mechanism, refining work measures, highlighting key tasks, and ensuring the implementation of various work arrangements. We should strengthen the demonstration and guidance, encourage the regions where conditions permit to actively carry out pilot projects, so as to form experiences that can be copied and popularized. We should strengthen public opinion propaganda and guidance, actively publicize the good experiences and good practices of various places, and create a good social atmosphere.