People's weekly network published: Jiangxi Changnan construction bravely shoulder social responsibility

Release time:2018-07-10Number of visitors:2772

The development of an enterprise is inseparable from the support of the society. It is the social responsibility of an excellent enterprise to be grateful to the society and repay the society. In recent years, Jiangxi Changnan Construction Group Co., Ltd. has vigorously carried forward the spirit of charity and love, has the courage to assume corporate social responsibility, actively participated in poverty alleviation, disaster relief and other public charity projects and volunteer activities, setting an industry model.

One aid to CCB, life-time construction assistance

"An entrepreneur should not only make money, but also stand up and take social responsibility when the country needs it.". Nie Shunjin, deputy to the people's Congress of Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province, chairman of the caring Public Welfare Association and chairman of Jiangxi Changnan Construction Group Co., Ltd., said.

It is reported that after the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, Nie Shunjin resolutely decided to suspend the company's business, and personally led the construction team to the Sichuan disaster area. Facing the severe challenge of "the highest altitude, the most difficult conditions, the most difficult transportation and the shortest construction period" in Xiaojin County, the construction team carried forward the Jinggangshan spirit of being able to bear hardships, fight and dedicate, and successfully completed a number of aid projects. Among them, the "three institutes and one center" project is one of the top ten demonstration projects in Xiaojin County, Jiangxi Province, which has won the "Tianfu Cup" award in Sichuan Province and the "azalea Cup" award in Jiangxi Province; Changnan Construction Group has also been awarded the "national advanced collective for earthquake relief".

Poverty alleviation through industries

In order to implement the requirements of Nanchang county Party committee of Jiangxi Province on firmly winning the battle of poverty alleviation and helping the urban poor and college graduates get employment, on June 15, Changnan construction group participated in the poverty alleviation industry poverty alleviation industry of "poverty alleviation campaign · representative exhibition style" sponsored by the Party committee of Nanchang County People's Congress and co sponsored by Nanchang Poverty Alleviation Office and Nanchang county human resources and Social Security Bureau The activities provide jobs for the poor, help the poor with practical actions, and create a good corporate image. It is reported that 54 caring enterprises participated in the job fair, providing more than 3200 jobs; more than 600 people participated in the recruitment, including poor people in surrounding villages and towns, targeted poor households in rural areas, laid-off workers, etc., and 389 people reached employment intention.

Return home and society

In recent years, the company insists on carrying out the activities of helping the poor and helping the poor and sending warmth to the society with sincerity. Nie Shunjin, chairman of the company, donated hundreds of thousands of yuan to Xinfang village, Bayi Township, Nanchang County, helped seven poor families to build houses with a total of 273000 yuan, and donated 100000 yuan to the caring Public Welfare Association, a deputy to the National People's Congress of Nanchang County. Under his influence and infection, devoting love and bravely taking responsibility have increasingly become the conscious behavior of the majority of employees.

In addition, the Party branch of the company carried out the activity of "reviewing the oath taking ceremony" on the "Party member activity day"; selected the dance program "proud builder" to participate in the "May Day" party sponsored by the United Front Work Department of Nanchang county Party committee and the County Federation of industry and commerce, and carried out spiritual civilization creation activities such as "Changnan realizing Luban dream" essay competition, creating a positive cultural atmosphere and building a harmonious society Will contribute.

As one of the top 12 private enterprises in Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Changnan Construction Group Co., Ltd. takes the lead among the enterprises in Jiangxi Province with the attitude of dedication and love. It strives for the best in the national construction industry with the spirit of taking responsibility and giving up one's own. It integrates the "Changnan dream" into the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, spreads love and strives hard.