Looking back at Jinggang, I will not forget my original intention and move on

Release time:2020-07-01Number of visitors:3830

——The Party committee of Jiangxi Changnan Construction Group Co., Ltd. launched the red local teaching activities

"Ling Yunzhi has been back in Jinggangshan for a long time. Thousands of miles to find the old place, the old looks new With infinite respect and memory for the revolutionary martyrs, on July 1, 2020, on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Committee of Jiangxi Changnan Construction Group Co., Ltd. organized all Party members and senior executives to go to Jinggangshan, the holy land of revolution, to carry out the red local teaching activity with the theme of "looking back at Jinggang, never forgetting the original intention and continuing to move forward".


At 6:30 in the morning, more than 40 people from the learning group of Jiangxi Changnan construction group set out from Nanchang Jiangxi 100 billion construction science and Technology Industrial Park. During the driving process of nearly four hours, the tour guide vividly explained the red history and culture of Jinggangshan revolutionary base area, and led everyone to sing red songs such as "No Communist Party, no new China", "Yingshan Hong".


The red songs all the way are loud and clear. Unconsciously, the bus has circled along the mountain road. Jinggangshan in early summer, morning mist dispersed, full of green, green to drop. The group first came to the Jinggangshan revolutionary martyrs cemetery. Under the leadership of secretary Nie of the CPC Changnan Party committee, they came to the memorial hall of the martyrs cemetery in an orderly manner to hold a wreath laying ceremony in memory of the great achievements of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries in establishing the Jinggangshan revolutionary base.

D18A6696.JPG       After that, the tour guide took everyone along the rugged mountain road, through the forest of Steles, to the Jinggangshan Martyrs Monument. The shape of the main monument highlights the shape of "mountain", symbolizing Jinggangshan. From a distance, it looks like a burning flame, implying "a spark can start a prairie fire". In the near view, there are many steel guns, implying "political power comes out of the barrel". Under the monument, Secretary Nie led all the party members to review the oath of joining the party and delivered an important speech.417fb0681355fcc27629e9bdf9c05aa.jpg

       Secretary Nie said: today is the 99th anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, and is also the first party building day since the founding of the Party committee of the group company. On this far-reaching day, we came to Jinggangshan to solemnly hold a commemorative activity of "looking back at Jinggang, not forgetting the original intention, and continuing to move forward", in memory of the revolutionary martyrs, and to pay high respect to the martyrs who bravely sacrificed their lives for China's revolutionary cause Deep mourning.


He stressed that in 2014, some senior staff representatives from Changnan came here to receive the education and baptism of Jinggangshan revolutionary spirit. After six years, today, with gratitude and admiration, we return to this solemn and sacred red earth again to receive the education of revolutionary tradition. Think of the source of drinking water, feel the party close. Looking back at Jinggang, we do not forget our original intention; looking forward to the future, we forge ahead bravely. Let's turn the memory of the revolutionary martyrs into the driving force to work harder, cherish the development achievements, cherish the development opportunities, inspire the spirit of work, unite and work hard to create a new situation of faster and better development of the group company!


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the group came to the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum. The museum was built on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the founding of Jinggangshan revolutionary base, and was completed by Li Changchun, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, on October 27, 2007. The museum makes full use of modern high-tech means such as sound, light and electricity to comprehensively display the basic exhibition of the revolutionary struggle history of Jinggangshan. On May 18, 2008, it was selected as the first batch of national first-class museums.


At the end of the trip, the group took a group photo under the red flag sculpture at the foot of the mountain. Here, Secretary Nie led everyone to sing "without the Communist Party, there would be no new China". In the loud and clear singing, the red local teaching activity of "looking back at Jinggang, not forgetting the original intention, continuing to move forward" was successfully completed.