Consumer daily: Jiangxi Changnan construction group takes engineering quality and safety as the "lifeline" and strictly implements the "three inspection" system

Release time:2017-03-15Number of visitors:2702

 Consumer daily was held by SASAC of the State Council and sponsored by China Light Industry Federation


Consumer daily news (Li Xian, Hao Haixia, Zhu Rong) the 2016 Luban Prize for China's construction engineering was announced. The project "Ganzhou bank financial building project" undertaken by Jiangxi Changnan Construction Group Co., Ltd. was the only housing construction project in Jiangxi province that won the Luban Award last year. It takes five years from the construction to the award. Every minute of the five years is a test of the strength and construction quality of Changnan construction group.

In recent ten years of development, Changnan Construction Group has won many awards from the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, China Construction Industry Association, Jiangxi Provincial People's government, Jiangxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, and has been awarded "national construction AAA credit enterprise", "national excellent construction enterprise", "national excellent construction enterprise" The honorary titles include "national advanced collective for earthquake relief", "Jiangxi customer satisfaction Enterprise", "Jiangxi credit enterprise", "Jiangxi advanced construction enterprise", "Jiangxi contract and credit AAA unit", "Jiangxi advanced construction safety management enterprise"

Jiangxi Changnan Construction Group Co., Ltd. was originally a national construction engineering construction general contracting enterprise with double A-level qualification of construction and civil air defense engineering design, with a registered capital of 316 million yuan. It has the special grade general contracting qualification of construction engineering construction, double grade a qualification of design in construction industry (Construction Engineering and civil air defense engineering), first grade professional contracting qualification of municipal public engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, ancient building engineering, architectural decoration, steel structure, foundation and foundation engineering, and professional contracting of highway engineering, water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, fire-fighting facilities engineering and urban landscape engineering Second level qualification, and successfully passed the quality management system, environmental management system and occupational health management system "three standards in one" international system certification.

Engineering quality is the lifeline of construction enterprises and the cornerstone of their development. According to the specified indicators, Changnan Construction Group strictly pays attention to quality technology and production safety, and earnestly performs its duties to ensure the smooth construction of various projects under construction. In addition, a lot of work has been done to improve the technical management level of construction projects, and some achievements have been made in construction quality control and safety management.

Establish and improve the construction quality assurance system and safety production system. In terms of quality and technical management, the group always puts quality and technical work in the first place, establishes a scientific and technological research team, focuses on the implementation of actions around the quality management policies and objectives, and actively carries out quality pre control, process control and result feedback on the construction site. Strict implementation of the "three inspection" acceptance system, to grasp the quality of their own responsibility. At the same time, the project management line shall prepare the production plan and decompose the indicators according to the internal indicators, arrange the progress plan, quality objectives and safety objectives of each project, clarify the responsible person for each project under construction, and sign the responsibility certificate, so as to ensure that the indicators are carried, the responsibilities are borne, and the rewards and punishments can be fulfilled. Check all projects regularly, collect monthly project inspection reports for assessment and evaluation, focus on various problems in the production process of the project, take targeted measures to solve them in time, ensure the production progress to keep up with the plan, and ensure the quality and safety of construction.

Grasping "double basic work", strengthening safety consciousness and reaching the standard of basic management are the guarantee of safety work. The foundation is not firm and the ground is shaking. Therefore, the engineering management line of Changnan construction group takes grasping the foundation and grassroots as the focus, and takes the link, procedure and standard as the breakthrough point to continuously strengthen the "double base" work, innovate the management thinking, improve the management mechanism and strengthen the management measures. In the process of production, all staff set up the idea of "pay attention to safety every day and pay attention to safety at all times". All projects are mainly pre controlled, and the awareness of safety production work is ahead of time. Regular technical and safety disclosure was carried out for team operators, full-time and part-time safety officers were responsible for supervising the implementation of the whole process, and the violators were strictly punished to ensure the implementation of safety production objectives and policies, effectively improve the safety level and promote the safety work.


Safety inspection is an effective means to discover potential safety hazards and supervise rectification, and carrying out project quality and safety inspection activities is the top priority. Under the leadership of each person in charge of the group, the group adheres to the "safety, quality and civilization" inspection, combining regular and daily inspection, combining comprehensive and special inspection, and combining key with general inspection. For the problems found in the inspection, in the form of rectification notice, the project department shall be required to implement the rectification according to the "three fixed" principle of fixed time, fixed personnel and fixed measures, and the rectification situation shall be returned to the Engineering Department of the company, and the engineering department shall conduct review to verify whether the rectification meets the requirements of internal control degree and internal implementation, and strengthen the control of project quality and safety management.

To promote the standardization construction of construction site, we should first of all improve and enrich the quality and safety management work by learning advanced quality control measures and safety management experience. Secondly, organize the management personnel of quality technology, safety and production departments to study in advanced companies, take the model engineering project as the reference standard, and invite experts to do on-site standardization construction training and exchange. Strengthen the construction work of station standardization, construction standardization and safety standardization, and guide and improve the standardization management level of each project through the way of model guide. Formulate detailed implementation plan and assess the implementation of quality and safety standards on a monthly basis. To achieve "clear task, clear responsibility, effective measures, grasp the actual effect", promote the smooth development of standardization work.

Consumer daily: